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Week Ending 04/21/24

Great Week with Students on the Tiny Home and Class Instruction

It's been a fantastic week with our students, both in their work on the Tiny Home and in the classroom.

Construction Progress:This week, we installed, taped, and mudded over 35 sheets of drywall (donated by Pioneer Materials). A skip trowel finish was also applied. A huge thank you to Juan Velasco and his crew for spending the week with the students, starting on Monday. All three construction tech classes had the opportunity to work on the drywall process, learning the art of applying tape and mud to the seams, sanding, and applying the textured finish. Juan and his crew finished on schedule, teaching effectively while getting the job done. This week, we're focusing on cabinets and interior painting.

Class Instruction Highlights:Carolanne Powers, along with Elizabeth McBurney and Tony Basile (Carolanne's father, who was in town visiting), provided class instruction on job interviewing and resume writing. All students participated in a practice interview session with each of the instructors. It was a fun and enjoyable time, and we thank Carolanne, Elizabeth, and Tony for their valuable insights. To celebrate the week's achievements, everyone enjoyed a hamburger and hot dog cookout with Juan and his crew.

Other Updates:Sydney White with CICC provided an excellent training handout. We are still on schedule to complete the Tiny Home by the end of the semester. BOCESS will start the process of offering the home for sale next week. If you have some time, feel free to stop by; we will be working with classes on Wednesday and Friday.

Attached are some photos from the week.

© 2023 Summit County Builder's Association


669 Summit Blvd, Unit H/PO Box 2245, Frisco, CO 80443

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